Dorian Gorgan
Professor and PhD supervisor in the Computer Science Department at Technical University of Cluj Napoca
Dorian GORGAN is Professor and PhD supervisor in the Computer Science Department of the Technical University of Cluj-Napoca. The fields of interest concern high performance graphical processing and visualization, parallel and distributed processing over HPC infrastructures such as Cloud and GPU clusters, interoperability of HPC platforms, and interdisciplinary research in the domain of Earth Observation.
Prof. Gorgan has been involved in scientific research and institutional projects such as CLOUDUT, AITECH, IASON, enviroGRIDS, mEducator, SEE-GRID-SCI, CERES, HORUS, NEARBY, BIGEARTH, PECSA, GiSHEO, MedioGRID, KEYSTONE, ComplexHPC, and I-Trace. He gave training and tutorials in the fields of data processing on HPC at Prague, Berlin, Istanbul, Erevan, Thessaloniki, Batumi, Sofia, Novi Sad, Rabat, Delft, and Geneva.