Ioana Dragos

Project Manager at North-West Regional Development Agency

Ioana Dragos has 20 years’ experience in regional development within North-West Regional Development Agency, as project manager of several EU funded projects, expert within Enterprise Europe Network for 14 years of coaching client journey SMEs, part of the Clusters Thematic Group and of the Creative Industries Sector Group. She is certified as Digital TransS4MEr by the ADMA European xChange platform and as cluster benchmarking expert by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis. She is associated trainer in cluster management excellence, certified by the European Foundation for Cluster Excellence. She assisted companies with coaching and mentoring services for business & innovation development, digital transformation and circular economy within three Horizon acceleration programmes, since 2016. Extended competences for regional development, smart specialization, cluster framework development, innovation ecosystem facilitator, access to funding and partnerships facilitator.

Ioana Dragos